Previously unseen photographs of Led Zeppelin performing in Los Angeles on June 22, 1977 have been published online.
The 79 photographs of the band performing at The Forum were purchased and published by several members of The Dogs of Doom Led Zeppelin server on Discord.
The 35mm slides were purchased from an estate sale and were taken by an unknown photographer.
You can view the full collection of photographs on Imgur here.

“Unfortunately some of the film has been contaminated with mold, but the photos that survive are some of the best shots I think I’ve ever seen of the band,” the group who published the images wrote in online posts announcing their release.
The group of Led Zeppelin fans from the Discord server who purchased and published the photographs is: Glyn, Blockbuster, adam_777, ledzepfilm, Sticks of Fire, CaptCrunge and Vinnie (June72).
The ‘ Richard Cole Appreciation Society’ on Facebook.
The best rock band ever
Have The JP Anthology. Have Seen LZ Photos. Waiting On His Collaboration w/PJ Harvey. Scarlet Page Doesn’t Think It Is Too Far Fetched
The BEST hard Rock Band ever there won’t ever be anyone that will come close to the mighty powerful Led Zeppelin.