LedZepNews has published 20 previously unseen colour photographs of Led Zeppelin performing in Hanover, Germany on June 24, 1980 that were taken by concert attendee Peter Soblik.
Soblik kindly shared his concert photographs with us, allowing LedZepNews to scan them and upload them to the LedZepNews Flickr page.
You can view all of Soblik’s concert photographs in the album here. Click the arrows below to move through the images.
Following the publication of this article, another concert attendee Uli Speicher shared the below photographs he took of the concert on Facebook and gave LedZepNews permission to publish them here too:

Do you have any Led Zeppelin-related media that you’d like to share? You can contact LedZepNews on ledzepnews@gmail.com.
Hello, I came across an interesting advertisement the the latest issue of Smithsonian Magazine for a book they are publishing under Smithsonian Books by Bill Bentley, titled. “Smithsonian Rock and Roll – Live and Unseen”. A black and white photo of Mr Page performing in 1972 graces the cover.
It was published in 2017 so perhaps this is something you are aware of. Today was the first time I learned of the book. https://www.smithsonianbooks.com/store/history/smithsonian-rock-and-roll-live-and-unseen/
Just saw the movie at Gillette Stadium.
Not just a rehash. Much new information and interviews. Another great feature is the sound! The frequencies are mixed as if you were in the room with the specific amps (Laney, Rickenbacker Etc. being pushed by the Telecaster AND the Les Paul) expressing a great recreation of the live sound.
Album recordings do not capture HOW EXCEPTIONAL John Paul Jones or Bonham was as these live mixes do., and I didn’t see in IMAX. I will now.
Love Zeppelin want to get rare live footage
wish i have been there
Born too late to go to go see Zeppelin; oh why oh why was it my fate not to go to Day on the Green in 1977; now my heart cries because I was born too late😖
Led Zeppelin will always rule!!!!
Have had a bootleg of this show for many years. Plant remarks on the acoustics, especially an echo that pervades the auditorium. “Nice echo in here. Many people play here, do they?” Plant asks before turning away from the mic to opine, “F#$%in’ horrible place.”
I saw them in Nurnberg on that tour when I was in the Army. They only played 3 songs because John Bohnam got sick and they stopped. That sucked because I was about 20 feet away from the stage. It was a very small venue which was very cool. I did however see them in the States in 1975 Physical Graffiti tour and in 1977 Presence tour. Great band ! Very proud I was able to see them!
I was at the Nuremberg show June 30 Bonham collapsed after Achilles Last Stand 3rd song . The show was over.
He died a few months later
I was at both shows in. Tampa Florida
The first on was fantastic
The second shows had a brief rain shower and the Cops went bonkers started clearing the stadium with there clubs beating up me people because we didn’t here the show was over people were frantic trying to avoid getting club by the. Police
Craziest thing I have ever seen
Made me sad to unfortunately never see the band live.
The 4 Lads are iconic in rockumentary evolution; I was fortunate enough to see them @ Madison square garden; they were off the hook, all deservedly Rockn Roll hall of fame!
My drummer let me borrow LZ 1 as soon as it came out in ’69. The next weekend I could play every song. I saw them 5 times, 1st time at Long Beach Arena. No warm up bands, they played 3 1/2 hours. Daw them twice at the Forum in LA and twice at San Diego Sports Arena. I shower to one of their albums every day.
Saw zep. sept 71…73.75.77 2x each..83 arms.both firm tours outrdr 2x.both page/ plnt tours.still have all tkt stubbs.