The daughter of Led Zeppelin manager Peter Grant has criticised the focus of media on the four members of Led Zeppelin, calling it “tiresome and old” and claiming her father was the “fifth member” of the band.
In a series of comments posted below a clip from an interview with the filmmakers behind “Becoming Led Zeppelin”, Helen Grant wrote on Instagram that “All the hard work, dedication and overall commitment he gave the band? There was a 5th member. Pontificating about the 4 members can be tiresome and old.”
In a further comment, seemingly directed at the film’s director and producer, Grant wrote: “Did you learn anything about Peter though?”
In response to a comment from another Instagram user who called Led Zeppelin’s manager a “trailblazer” and “an integral part of Zeppelin’s success”, Grant replied: “At last somebody commenting something positive and true”.
Led Zeppelin’s manager is featured in “Becoming Led Zeppelin” through upgraded footage of a 1971 BBC interview and through photographs and film footage. However, the film largely focuses on the four members of Led Zeppelin.
Grant and her brother Warren inherited a share of Led Zeppelin royalties following the death of their father in 1995. LedZepNews reported in July that she has signed an offer to sell her remaining 10% stake in the band’s catalogue, however the deal does not seem to have closed.
LedZepNews revealed in September 2023 that an £8.5 million offer had been received for Grant’s stake in Led Zeppelin’s royalties. However, it’s unclear whether the signed deal is the same £8.5 million offer.
LedZepNews previously revealed that Grant is selling her 10% stake in Superhype Tapes along with 10% of United Blag Productions, another business in the UK that controls parts of Led Zeppelin’s catalogue.
The other assets offered for sale are 10% of Bad Company Entertainment, a UK business that controls parts of Bad Company’s catalogue along with an unspecified stake in Swan Song, a US business also used for Bad Company’s music.
An unidentified person sought to sell a 10% stake in Swan Song through the website Royalty Exchange in 2022, reaching a deal to sell their portion of the business for $390,000.
Sources tell LedZepNews that Grant’s stake in these companies likely results in thousands of pounds of revenue every month, but has no power to control Led Zeppelin releases and she owns no stake in the band’s merchandising business Mythgem.
We previously detailed the band’s corporate empire which includes more than 50 businesses encompassing the band’s operations as well as personal companies controlled by the band members.
I think what she meant was, Thank you planty pagey jonesy and bonzo for making my father and I rich.
Grant is the one who made the rest rich. He got them their contracts. He made the deals with the venues making LZ the first band to take 90% of the profit. That said, he didn’t make the music and that’s what a band is about, the music. If she wants her father to get recognized, she should have someone make a business movie.
He also sent leg breakers into the audience to confiscate all the best footage we would ever see. So he LOST them money on that decision since Page cant find a bootleg clip anywhere.
They are the ones who thanked him as they should have. He made them rich not vice versa.
Yeah, that’s what I want to do. Sit in a movie theater and watch a movie about a band manager. Maybe he’ll play some of his songs.He wrote for them… I mean, that’s the way it goes.I never bought a Zeppelin album because I wanted to thank the manager… Suffice to say, a few bucks have been thrown her dad’s estate, including her over the years, and that sounds a little ungrateful.
I strongly recommend you watch the movie called Super Meunch. I bet you take back your line about not wanting to watch a movie about a manager.
Everyone wants a part of the glory of the best live band in the world. I was lucky enough to see Zep live many times and put them up there with the Stones. I never waited for the manager to walk on stage when the lights came on. Thanks for the memories boys, Jimmy,John,Robert and Bonz!
They wouldn’t have been there to see without him . Lots of good band end up in obscurity without a peter grant to manage them .
Disagree. He was important for sure, and they have given him all the props, but Page was driven and brilliant. For instance, Smart enough to present their first album to the record company completed leaving them with control. They would have been seen with or without him.
Put zep up there with the Stones,now that’s funny.Keith Richards has been playing at guitar for more than 60 years and still can’t play
I would love to hear you playing the guitar. Know this and know it well, Keith is by far a master on the Guitar.
I wonder how well you could cut heads against Keith. Many of the Guitar greats have said they wouldn’t want to stand toe to toe with Keith. I only fool that thought he was bad enough he hit Keith in the jaw and cheek. Keith didn’t kick his ass because he respected Chuck Berry too much but he told him flat out on camera there won’t be a second time because he’ll beat his ass if he ever throws a punch at him again. The film Keith paid to make and everything else because no one wanted to take a chance on Chuck Berry. It was Keith who gave him his second stand. Then if I remember correctly Tom Petty helped Chuck Berry after he was released from prison.
Sure managers are important. But they never write a single note or lyric, so….
She is right her big bruiser of a father made sure the boys weren’t screwed over as well as being a smart businessman.
Since he Was an equal partner he worked as hard as any of them to achieve the success. Didn’t write a note , how many contracts did Plant Negotiate .
Is she talking about the Peter Grant who mysteriously “lost” $200,000 from his hotel safe in NY?
Well he did pass a lie detector test (if the NYPD are being truthful about that!)
Yep that Peter Grant who made them all millionaires!
I can’t imagine too many people standing up to Peter Grant. That dude was very intimidating.
Peter Grant was a brutal thug, who liked to hurt people. He and his crew of fellow thugs nearly beat one of Bill Graham’s crew to death when they were in San Francisco. His name should never be honored for anything but being a common criminal..
You need to read the whole story not just your liberal talking point . Screw with the bulls kids you get the horn .
Peter Grant, as a shrewd and tough fella made sure Led Zeppelin always got the lion’s share of the earnings from each performance. He always had the band’s interest at❤️
Grant could have had a bit more “interest”in Zep’s health and well being along the way – as well as his own.
For crying out koud. He was their MANAGER. He did the manager’s job. Fifth member of Zeppelin? Don’t make me laugh. She’s ridiculous.
Equal member of the band . Not just manager . Plant was just a singer so don’t make me laugh
It looks like there has been a concerted effort lately to retcon the Led Zeppelin story by writing Peter Grant out of the band’s history. Or, at least, by playing down his influence.
Regardless of what you think of the man personally – and he certainly had his flaws, especially during the latter years of the band – nobody can deny the contributions he made earlier on. The guy pretty much kickstarted a revolution in his own right – before Grant, NOBODY got paid 90% of the takings at the gate. In fact, history is littered with bands who wound up broke and jaded because their managers didn’t care even 1 percent as much as Grant did about Zep.
Peter Grant changed things for bands. At least give him that.
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm It’s called Becoming
Led Zeppelin
What instrument did Peter Grant play??
The pen ,the most important for any band.
Peter Grant was a important part of Led Zeppelin and definitely a fifth member but he is mentioned in the Becoming Led Zeppelin and Jones,Page and Plant all praise him .
But after saying that any true Led Zeppelin fan knows the importance of the great man .
What did she want? It’s nit like he ever made any music with them. He was the business side of the organization and he had a he’ll if a time doing it I’m sure. But damn she is downright cranky about it. What else is there yo say about the notorious ex wrestler? What else would she had liked. And what about Richard Cole? No love or support for him.
If anything she should publicly stay positive about the group. The more hype that gets generates the more $$ there is. But as her father said” well just as long as there’s another fucking nickel to be made off of Led Zeopelin hell, why not? just let them all come sell their shit in here??. She really should be thankful for what she’s got.
Peter Grant was always considered the fifth member of Led Zeppelin. All the members have said so at one time or another. Wright and Jimmy page go back long before Led Zeppelin. Miss Grant is absolutely right.
Peter gave the band room to blossom whilst he delt with the business end. Zep made some great records which gave them clout against promoters. How punk!
Yes, Grant was partly responsible for Zeppelin’s success, but if it wasn’t for the music, there would be nothing. Also, I’d say that Grant was also partly responsible for the bands downfall.
What else,interviews with the road crew, etc. It’s about the band and nothing else. We all know about PG and he sounds like a thug anyway.
The band had 5 equal partners ,so there you go . Anything else said he was an EQUAL PARTNER .
Should anyone want to see Mr.Peter Grant’s impact as well as business acumen in regards to LED ZEPPELIN simply watch The Song Remains The Same in it’s entirety.
Patrick E Gurrola
I wouldn’t worry ones undies in a bundle… we all know Peter was looking after Jimmy from day one with the YARDBIRDS… Chris and Jim said so themselves…and even Jimmy page said that they were only beginning to see money well earned ESPECIALLY since they got rid of Simon as their manager…well done Jimmy on this film… I love it immensely and hope for a part 2 and 3 …the band Led Zeppelin AND even the YARDBIRDS are almost synonymous…!!
He was there manager and did what he got paid to do his job and got royalties on top he was never led zeppelin just a employee
Neil he was an equal partner not an employee
It’s called becoming Led Zep.
I hear he gets a mention what’s the problem?
He did do his job well though.
Gosh look at all the shrill experts in comments foghorning always through one filter: their own specific experience.
What’s the old comment in one of the books ‘Grant actually was the led zeppelin’ !! Grant was a force of nature and as with the band generally suffered very badly from the karma that came from their very questionable treatment of other people. The tours were obviously too long , who was behind that ?? I realise that Grant deeply regretted his behaviour later in life,it’s thirty years this year since he passed , time flies!
Hey Helen Grant. Tell me the name of the tour agent for Taylor Swift. I don’t know either, but that’s the point. Grant excelled at marketing the band. He was not the band.
Cash your checks and be proud of your dad.
The greatest band of all time would have been successful with or without Grant. People love musicians not businessmen/bullies
Must be nice to have Chrystal Ball . Poor management was the downfall of many great musicians . Steve Marriott comes to my mind because when your getting ripped off hard to concentrate on the music .
I think the members of the band have been extremely vocal over the years about how important Peter Grant was to their success. He handled everything else so they could concentrate on making music. She’s just looking for a headline
He was not an employee he was an Equal partner! So yes he was an integral part of the band and their success and his partners knew it and that’s what matters. Without him they may have been ripped off like most bands were and broke up the band disgusted like so many bands of the time . By the way LZ 1 financed by Peter Grant and Jimmy Page. So yes he was as integral to their success as any other member and without him they may just be a footnote in rock history.
Wow, Steve, you really seem to want to defend PG here. To be clear. Led Zeppelin would never have been just a footnote in Rock history, they were destined to be legendary from the get go. You can scream on here all you want about how great Grant was for them, and I agree he was, but you portraying him as a member of the band is ridiculous! He was the Suge Knight of his time and bullied and threatened his way around boardrooms getting better money for the band and himself, nothing more. Zep would’ve succeeded with anyone managing them
Last thought . Peter was an Equal Partner and they were happy to have him as their 5th equal member. Really all that matters ,your thoughts don’t mean squat .
way i see it grant was good manager for them in the early days made them there pocket full of gold demaning and getting 90 per cen of the gate money come the mid 70s he lost the plot hurt angry divorced on drugs a ticking time bomb waiting to go off and that bomb went of at the oakland stadium in 1977 were grant along with others may have ended in prison for murder journalists lived in fear for writing anything negative about zepp in case the door bell rang one night and there was madman grant in a rage with smoke blowing out of is ears in some ways he was the 5th member jones page plant bonham made the music grant made tham rich
Grant’s role in the bands rise was represented in the film. The film only covers their first 2 1/2 years. Perhaps he’ll get more play if there are sequels. Maybe something about his thuggery backstage, his part in beatings of employees, bribing cops and judges, etc.
Correcting typos: No one gives a crap about Peter Grant. He was a monster. He did not make a note of Led Zeppelin music. No one cares about Peter Grant.
When discussing a manager, keep in mind that after Brian Epstein died that’s when The Beatles started their downhill spiral
The Led Zeppelin movie was pitiful and boring. A money grab for the remaining 3 band members who are as interesting now as a gaggle of old English washer women.
I got a poster in Denver last night, people were lined up to get them going in. IMAX was packed, so I thought they should have passed them out after the show. You go in with a poster in your hand with absolutely no place to put it! I kind of rolled it up and put it in the sleeve of my jacket, and then kind of awkwardly held my jacket…didn’t want to put it on the floor…you’d be one spilled drink from not having a poster. Then it would be nobodies fault but mine.
well said mike about about time someone gave a honest opinion
Grant was important to Led Zeppelin absolutely and the band may have called him their 5th member. The movie is ostensibly about the music though and Peter Grant didn’t play a note. If his daughter wants to make a movie about her dad, fair enough. I might even watch it, but I didn’t need him in this movie.
The one singular thing PG did for himself mainly is ensure that his cash cow was paid exorbitantly well beyond what any other band had ever been paid. The riches made weren’t because he was concerned for the financial welfare of these four young lads, it was for his own greed. If he hadn’t of been a large overbearing ball busting brute, the men he terrorized would have laughed him out into the street. He was in a position to bash the lights out of professional grifters with his own unprofessional tact and it paid him well in money and leftovers from the ladies who weren’t lucky enough to ride the main trains.
Peter Grant was a great manager but he and Richard Cole did the band no favours by making John Bindon head of security which resulted in a rather messed up tour and all of them being basically thrown out of the states so yes Peter was good….but not God.
One thing grant did was make sure no promoter screwed them that and I believe that i saw him selling Zeppelin tee shirts in the hall when I went to one of their concerts in Dallas Texas in 1971.
This sounds remarkably similar to what is going on right now in America. Arts or Business what’s more important. Well I am an Artist so you know what I would say. All of this is irrelevant, and rather than bring a beautiful marriage of Artists and a strong businessman down to a debate about who and what is more important only brings Zeppelins greatness down like the Hindenburg that in inspired the name.
I have always been a die hard fan of Jimmy Page, but I would never call it anything but an equal partnership between 4 amazing musicians.
As far as the importance of Peter Grant. I have always thought he was instrumental in the success of the band, and yes he was a brutal individual, however the unfortunate nature of humanity sometimes takes a Moby Dick in order to open doors for a what is and what could of never been…Thank you
I think she is right, Peter Grant did so much for the artist and confronted greedy promoters, he changed that relationship single handed and worked hard to give the band the artistic freedom required to create at the top of their game!
Maybe she just wanted to appear in the picture with a fancy hair style, talking about her dad, but was not invited.
Ah but the MUSIC will never die. No matter how or who got it to the public. They still have the key to Memphis!!!😎😎😎
As iconic as Led Zeppelin is, I think the editors and producers did great justice in making this film. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a better rock documentary , and just when you think you know everything about Led Zeppelin, you find something you didn’t know in this documentary. I think there needs to be a “becoming Led Zeppelin 2 “ documentary In the works ! Joelle Meyer, San Francisco
As iconic as Led Zeppelin is, I think the editors and producers did great justice in making this film. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a better rock documentary.