Founded in 2012, LedZepNews is the leading unofficial and independent source of news about Led Zeppelin. For more than a decade, we have broken major stories about the band and its members and published longform investigative journalism.
Our journalism has been referred to in The Wall Street Journal, Rolling Stone, The Los Angeles Times, The Telegraph, The Daily Mirror, The Verge, NME and Classic Rock Magazine.
We’ve also published hundreds of previously unseen photographs of Led Zeppelin and shared hundreds of pages of unseen documents about the band’s history.
The LedZepNews website has been viewed more than 6 million times since its launch in 2017 and the LedZepNews Substack is one of the most popular music newsletters on the site since its launch in 2023.
LedZepNews is run by James Cook, an experienced journalist with more than 10 years of media experience including working as a special correspondent at a leading UK national newspaper.
Find out how to get in touch with us here.
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LedZepNews does not support or promote the sale of bootleg records. While this site reports on bootleg releases, we do so because of their newsworthiness, not to encourage readers to purchase the items. We do not publish links to purchase bootleg recordings.
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