Upgraded footage of Led Zeppelin performing in Charlotte in 1970 was posted online

Upgraded footage of Led Zeppelin performing in Charlotte, North Carolina on April 7, 1970 was published online by LedZepFilm on September 24.

The footage is a new transfer of a video shot by Hunter Desportes which improves the quality.

“Unfortunately the film stock – AGFA CK17 – wasn’t well adapted to dark settings and the footage has seen its fair share of damage in the last 50 years. Without any circulating audio from this show, I’ve roughly synced it to the show a few days later in Tampa,” LedZepFilm wrote in the video description on YouTube.

A previous transfer of the film from the original reel in October 2009 was published on Led Zeppelin’s official YouTube channel on November 30, 2011.

As well as filming the concert, 16-year-old Desportes also took photographs of the show which he has uploaded to Flickr.

Led Zeppelin at Charlotte, NC (1970)
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2 Comments on "Upgraded footage of Led Zeppelin performing in Charlotte in 1970 was posted online"

  1. I wish I could relive the 70s again.I am in my late 60s and still listening to the GREATEST BAND of ALL TIMES. LED ZEPPLIN !!!!!.Live long and prosper.

  2. Was that at the chrome dome coliseum,or park center?

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