Japanese bootleg label Empress Valley has released two new tracks from a soundboard recording of Led Zeppelin performing in Osaka, Japan on September 29, 1971. The show was previously available as an audience recording, but now a total of three soundboard tracks have been released.
The bootleg label released “Stairway To Heaven” from the Osaka show, and you can hear the track here. The single is being released in five different covers, and all come in a special envelope.
BFに本日入荷。Led Zeppelin"天国への階段"(1971/9/29 大阪 1CD EVSD):超高音質のSBDシリーズ第2弾。第1弾の"移民の歌"の外封筒を郵送又は店頭で引き換えに"Friends"が貰えるそうです。 pic.twitter.com/0DV7vbymPe
— 70’s ROCK大好き親父 (@yuminori0616) March 30, 2018
Empress Valley also released “Friends” from the same show, and you can hear it here (merged with the existing audience recording). However, that CD isn’t for sale, and instead can be redeemed by posting or presenting the envelope that the previously released “Immigrant Song” was released in.
Led Zeppelin "Friends"(1971/9/29 大阪 EVSD 1CD 非売品) pic.twitter.com/uiH2bSn7nq
— 70’s ROCK大好き親父 (@yuminori0616) March 31, 2018
Empress Valley released “Immigrant Song” from Led Zeppelin’s September 29, 1971 Osaka, Japan show in February.
The CD was limited to 100 copies, and there were five different covers available to purchase. Each copy came in an envelope which conceals the artwork inside.
Japanese Twitter user yuminori0616 posted photographs showing the packaging of the bootleg single:
Led Zeppelin『Immigrant Song』(1971/9/29 OSAKA, SBD, 1CD EVSD) pic.twitter.com/CLMZsLN30I
— 70’s ROCK大好き親父 (@yuminori0616) February 8, 2018
And here are all of the packaging variants for the release:
Another Twitter account, LLX2774, posted photos of the envelope that the release came in:
Led Zeppelin "移民の歌" 1971-09-29 大阪
紛れもなくマルチトラック録音からミックスされた音源。低音が強めでステレオ感は乏しいものの各パートのバランスは良好。ベースが低音の塊に埋もれがちなのが1975 SBD音源とは対照的。
外装の封筒には本物の切手が貼ってある😳 pic.twitter.com/CawML1rZUo— Blimp_Life (@LLX2774) February 9, 2018
And they also shared a photo of the disc itself:
Led Zeppelin "移民の歌" 1971-09-29 大阪
OGやLZLの2LPから聴き始め、時代がCDにシフトしてからも数え切れない程聴いた公演の決定的な音源に接することができた歓びに浸っている金曜日の午後@新宿の喫茶店☕️💿 pic.twitter.com/GyC1c1h5N1— Blimp_Life (@LLX2774) February 9, 2018
That release follows Empress Valley’s July 2016 release of the soundboard recording of “Black Dog” from the previous night of the tour, September 28, 1971, also in Osaka, Japan.
That song was included as a bonus disc on the label’s release of Led Zeppelin’s September 23, 1971 show. It was later released as a standalone CD single in three different sleeves, but no other tracks from the soundboard recording of the show have been released since then.
Black dog was awesome done in Japan †❤?